18th January 2025Ersatz shamanics, NY noise viscera, post-techno delirium, Catalan loop murk, DIY psychedelic artpunk plus further grotesque and rococo air disturbances.
4th January 2025Kosmische black metal initiatories, monumental droneworks, industrial hip hop menace, Polish fusion, nautical folk arcana and other fecund invocations.
14th December 2024Oneiric electronics, midland freakfolk, Czech occult drone malice, vintage anarcho dub strop, revenant library excavations, queer synth arcana and other abstruse noisebursts.
30th November 2024Industrial abstractions, ecstatic teutonics, dub-gaze vortices, Wyrd West deliriums, apocalyptic liturgies.
16th November 2024Finnish demonology, greyscale acid churn, glossolalic spirallings, sinister electro whimsy, mathprog heaviosity and other wayward essences.
2nd November 2024Drone-folk tumult, dub lysergica, blind panic, mixtape mutations, radiophonic witchery, kosmichsche americana, phantoms, portents, Slava Ukraini.
Hallowe'en 2024An hourlong fester in the depths sepulchral, cacodaemoniacal and tenebrous.
12th October 2024Antipodean gothdub, Irish hagsong, new and old electro strop, DIY arcana from Japan, ye olde sonic cathedral-building, Serbo-Albanian trance induction, crypto-religiosity, Gallic absurdism and the unlike.
5th October 2024Arctic unease, arboreal introspection, ferine beatcraft, dub housing, plunderphonic chaos, celestial chorales, hidden reverses.
14th September 2024Hurdy gurdy drone hypnosis, trans global excess, murine nocturnes, hybrid freejazz hiphop bludgeon and a crawling chaos of alien sonic hues for the hearing.
7th September 2024Beijing entropics, lo-fi Fossilised Japan, noiserock bellicosity, fathomless dub hauntings, industrial funk clatter, monolithic drone elation, dancing.
24th August 2024Séance archived. Features neu Deutsche elektronische musik, Balkan folk belligerence, hermetic artpop biographics, cosmic Italian excavations, noisepunk animosity and roiling vatful of other unpop deliriums.
17th August 2024Archival punkfunk clatter, hypnagogic synth elation, feral Finnish freakfolk, major arcana, fouilles de la nouvelle vague française and various psych & artrock shades.
20th July 2024Antipodean freak-folk, proto-math bug-outs, barbed mutant techno, hybrid bossa menace, US noise-punk, subaquatic breaks, deep dub cuts, coastal vox wonk and variform audible aberrations.
13th July 2024Plunderphonic litanies, haunted microcosmology, zoetropic clatter, post-punk murk, spectral ornithology, entheogenic abstractions and other arcane pursuits.
29th June 2024Indonesian monolith worship, new wyrd Sussex, Gallic mediaevalisms, furthur raga psych action, applied freeform brainmelt and a shrieking handcart of other audible miasmas.
22nd June 2024Deep fried drone blues, halldorophone night depths, acid-dub nature-wooze, Boston dread chorale, dreamscape tropicalia and further freakout pop diversions.
8th June 2024Lush neo-mimimalism , VHS grind-house strop, Balkan noisefolk clatter, hermetic flower psych, agit chamber pop, subterranean slug dub and multiple jats of other delirious cortex balms.
18th May 2024Egyptian foundsound freakery, widescreen glitch majesty, old timey sinister DIY absurdism, hurdy gurdy freak- folk hypnosis, ophidian droneworks and a lethal blizzard of further bizarro detritus.
11th May 2024Subaqueous viridescence, greyscale electro, psychedelic melancholy, befugged Belgian crypticisms, twelve-string kosmische and further occluded miscellanea.
13th April 2024Brooding electromurk, somnambulant left-turns, satanic cardiology, dead world elegies, tropic chug and further refined and unrefined audible brain feed.
30th March 2024Apocryphal mediterraneo, wayward electro fidget, ye olde math-art-post-rockery, revenant ravemangle, cosmic Appalachia, post-industrial pacifism and a steaming vatful of other rank and thrilling flavours.
16th March 2024Rebel afrofuturism, postpunk Deutsche excavations, neo synthpop mutation, deep Thai occulture, tenebrous dub chug and other unnameable essences.
9th March 2024Sanskrit astrology, skewiff Bulgaria, the Wyrd Wild West, koto disinterment and a fecund spraying of divergent audible arcana.
17th February 2024Deep bass delirium, skewed surgical techno, caeliferic caprices, nouveau Gallic psychfolk, industrial chasm spite and other variously oscillating apportations.
10th February 2024DIY drum machine punk, double witching, radiophonic divination, cosmic cutlery abuse, glitch-hop from Palestine, Swedish woodland conjuration and abundant alien popforms otherwise.
3rd February 2024Lysergic East, hybrid electro, old weird Dublin abrasion, spectral radio wooze, Gaian panegyrics, timeslip exotica and other ill-matched misshapes to augment the outré homestead.
27th January 2024Contains Earth post-metal Earth lamentations, anarcho noiseblasts, double Satan, psaltery enchantments and other fecund earfood.
13th January 2024Nordic medieval balladry, industrial occult techno, neo-kosmische whimsy, subcutaneous dub chunter, psychogeographical Sheffield and other reveries, sturms und drangs.
16th December 2023Shaitanic verses, Renaissance cosmologies, nostalgie de la Warp, apocryphal fauna, whimsies, grotesques...
9th December 2023Phantom Polish radio, inked magus rock, freeform noise absurdism, doomfolk apocalyptics and cocked hatful of variform potent audio venoms.
2nd December 2023Trashcan ritualisms, lunar dreampop, Italian smut chorale, Appalachian campfire delirium, Czech woodland humchatter and molten techno strafings all writhing against the other stuff in a heaving sonic broth.
11th November 2023Psychedelic SF decadence, funerary fauna contemplation, AE electro pressure, Hordijk synth japes, equine industrial murk, fractured psych from Seattle, Libyan reggae fizz, maritime wraithsong and further thrawn noise arrangements.
4th November 2023Laden and awry with febrile hothouse anomalies, banjo and drone disfigurement, feral techno interference, tenebrific invocations and various abstruse jewels. Night listening, probably.
28th October 2023Your one-stop shop for DIY gnarlrock anatomicals, trans-temporal ectoplasmics, post-industrial anti/theology and an all-pervasive alien heat.
7th October 2023Mutant breakbeat dislocation, Newcastle noisepunk catharsis, French pastorale synth oddness, US avant-garde unease, Throbbing disco discomfort and a thrashing grab-bag of further blissouts and bludgeonings.
30th September 2023Foaming with nihilist queer revolt strop, Japanese cine-etherealisms, psychedelic campfire jubilation, freeform modular taxonomies and hoary host of carelessly anthologised sonic brainfeed tinctures.
9th September 2023Sybilline soprano rapture, Newish Weird America, EDM/techno hybrid antagonism, four-stringed folk archaeology, saturnian moon gazing, marvels, luses, grotesques.
2nd September 2023Apocryphal Greek charity shop arcana, Baroque plundermangling, dubhousedisco marimba sweats, Hindustani sub bass, moody French art-prog, Venezuealan folk rhapsodics and a pungent abundance of general weirding out.
26th August 2023DIY industrial disinterment, Chinese dreamcore, Gallic medievalism, high-rise noise paranoia, lap-steel art-pop and a squeaking jarful of omnifarious phonic freakery handpicked for the discerning, the damned and the unfashionable.
12th August 2023Loaded and heaving with DIY pop butchery, unearthed Faust, fizzing corvid frenzy, unearthed chamber exotica, greyscale grot turbulence, schlock-surrealist soundtrackery and nonesuch.
5th August 2023Contains neo-industrial electro-grind, tenebrous artpunk and an inaugural guest mix courtesy of Derek Piotr's gloriously arcane Fieldwork Archive.
22nd July 2023Includes VHS horrorsynth drama, acidic Cali summonings, artpunk revival clatter, old-time laments from Brooklyn, ersatz/'future' folk delirium, hallucinatory dronespirals, dustbowl ghost scriptures.
8th July 2023Mashed banjo dronepsych, cryptic Catalan herpetology, travelogue luggage collage, tenebrous Bristolian angst-hop, Belgian new wave ARP pop and a canopic jar full of further inscrutable resonances.
1st July 2023Replete with malignant plunderphonic jazz mangling, apocalyptic avant-trap heat, Nordic dreamtime exaltation, American drone and dulcimer enchantment, outsider-prog dramatics and other rum clamours.
17th June 2023In which a feral phalanx of spiny wrongbeats and a serendipitous drones and vox triumvirate are among the things invoked.
20th May 2023Northern sludge deeps, maritime lamentations, DIY tape japes, monumental drone scrying and an overarching if unintentional thanatological theme throughout.
29th April 2023Prog-folk rapture, lysergic sludge derangement, lunar chamber-psych, mutant bossa nova, combustible Manc beatcraft and other impeccably aimed warm jets.
22nd April 2023Dub meteorology, transcendent devotional hues, Saharan cellphone roots, Congolese cross-pollination, electro biker muck, portents, prayers, pummellings.
25th March 2023SanFranFreakout collage, Herzogian evocations, collapsed techno grind, mono tape and pause button wibble, plunderphonic crooning, Appalachian klezmer and noise collision larks, and an inadvertently psych-heavy vibe prevailing throughout. Supine listening suggested.
18th March 2023Occult Icelandic art-racket, neokraut fantasias, anarcho-adjacent punk japes, dronefolk mesmerism, a Dungeness working, spectral Kuwaiti lamentations and a frenzied carnival of further-out fugs, moods and miasmas.
4th March 2023Anatidae larks, duelling flute caprices, mutant beat corpulence, Belgian wonk delirium, monolithic trance chant and a thrashing nestful of further hexed audio.
25th February 2023Acid folk whimsy, avant Creole psychedelia, space hex gabber, orchestral cut-up disorientation, angsty breathwork looping, neo-industrial foreboding and poltergeists in the pipework.
11th February 2023Art pop paranoia, esoteric pastorale, Indonesian foreboding, machine dub swarm activity, vegetal folk rock reverie, Bristolian bass wreckage, Italo voodoo exploitation thrills, diversions, deviations.
4th February 2023Electropostpunk cassette biz, modern modular jamfrenzy, Pyrenean folk mangling, surrealist plunderscaping, Polish folk murk, butch Italo techno trousers, mycological braintweak, emissions sacred and profane.
28th January 2023Night forest incantations, seventies santoor schlock, avant Tuvan throat song frenzy, precipitous drone escalations, noise-scorched bass disfigurement and a strange cortége of further-out hubbubs.
14th January 2023Latin-hued psych circa ‘68, disingenuous wizard muck, entropic disco wooze, Peruvian tripsville soundtrack arcana, epic Swedish psych circa ‘71, dystopian electro shades and a sordid loft full of other gibbering entities.
17th December 2022Abyssal electro twistery, phantasmal gallic/hellenic psych-rock, dronefolks coastal and septentrional, sanguine noise belligerence, childhood megalith terror, chiming mutant guitar fuckery and other heady tinctures.
10th December 2022Obsidian Welsh neo-goth, vintage Japanese psych-punk, incorporeal wraith loops, pinched jats of ye olde acid squelch, cosmic plucking and a heaving skein of further alien pop shades.
26th November 2022A mind-sundering philtre of obdurate sorcery and Hadean brawn. Breathe deep.
19th November 2022Mid-eastern drumpsych malevolence, epic string-storm distortion, electro Seoul drum whimsy, mutant techno hostilities, first wave industrial desolation and other enchantments.
5th November 2022Cosmic Sweden, devotional chime vortices, twilit wanderlust, new wave Japan arcana, French electro fug, neue welle sturm und drang and a deeply pervasive Autumnal tenor elsewhere. Believe.
22nd October 2022Coastal weirdpop, techno chimaera murk, cosmic cetacean newagery, arcane Americana, omnidirectional wrongbeat, variform divergent heavy vibes.
8th October 2022Protogoth artpunk, prog pop religiosity, excavated krautrock, arboreal tarot song, ancestral techno, incantatory derangement, calentures, cacophonies.
24th September 2022Bovine noise-punk, cosmic Africa, moonlit ruminations, aerophobic techno, cavernous post-industrialism, things plucked and hammered, lashings of fathomless moodworks.
17th September 2022Sonic ruin porn, cavernous ragga spite, apocalyptic siren-song, spook-loop weirdisms and assorted flaming sonic marvels.
10th September 2022Wessex folk reconfiguration, dubhousedisco redux, further exquisite corpsery, mutant Italia, transatlantic electro malice, Lovecraftian music box and an avian litany.
13th August 2022Artpunk cut-up excavations, dub Juju trancery, post-industrial rancour, multi-directional Acid clatter, avant Persian noise drama and various further noxious and dreamy pop larks.
6th August 2022Deluge apocalyptics, French discoid wonk, crepuscular Dutch rumblings, Estonian enchantment, new age medievalisms, Afro DIY synth genius, Mayday Morris manoeuvres and a thrashing vortex of assorted audio misshapes.
23rd July 2022Ancient Sussex deathsong, fever dream flora, antipodean industrial, vintage Bay Area punk spite, exquisite corpsery, clangs, seepage, contortions.
16th July 2022Maritime dronefolk, retro gallic synth whimsy, glitch bother, neo electro brutalism, crepuscular delirium, post industrial detours. Elation and edification probable.
9th July 2022Plunderphonic surrealism, abject noisery, glitch disco, crepuscular churchyard drones, inebriate avant cumbia and further jets of divergent righteousness.
18th June 2022Hirsute sewage abstractions, seaside avian dreamscaping, cosmonautical freeforming, dubious electro-psychobilly and several more oscillating strata of disparate audio brainsilt.
11th June 2022Ritualistic Italia, Manchester cudgel-beats, neo acid contortions, medieval strains, sludge ambient, hothouse synth funk, Slava Ukraini. Strap it on. Get involved.
28th May 2022Belgian synth futurism, the wyrd wild west, avant vocal hellscaping, Parisian ethno-industrialism, major arcana krautrockery, obese drones, awkward angles.
7th May 2022Acid punk alienation, numinous Sussex poetry, Japanese electro contortions, sulky Macedonian synthwave, spectral art choir action and all kinds of auditory wonk larks.
30th April 2022Miscreant techno fracas, Nic Cage homage noise, Gallic free-jazz delirium, revenant zeuhl arcana and the unlike on a virulent carousel of moodist stances and cosmic brouhaha.
23rd April 2022Nunsploitation larks, Swiss synth fizz, northern faerie mischief, London/Glasgow disco moodisms, cult-horror art rock, floral gothic, scourings, frequencies, chimeras.
16th April 2022Chthonic electronics, free-jazz spiritualism, japanese bossa bliss, excavated synth arcana and a solid abundance of of worryingly righteous gear.
2nd April 2022Post-industrial bolsh colossi, warped samba contortions, plaguetime avant-activist obliteration, Korean dulcimer transcendence, obsidian electronics and a hot pocketful of other boss mutations.
19th March 2022String-gunk religiosity, soaring greyscale organ-warp, mutant hip-hop, vintage US art-goth, DIY first wave industrial trousers, horror flick alienation, UK deejay roots and all kinds of lethal juddering greatness.
12th March 2022Fortean Kernow, concrète nouveau, mutant synthmangle, bacterial bleeps, commuter drones, divergent prog and kosmische vagaries. Much joy. Much confusion.
26th February 2022Maritime kosmische meditations, avant Hip-Hop genius, golden frequency hell-wooze, far-out oud & drum machine action, trans v. exorcist housemusic and a psychedelic dream wagon full of other freakish soundwaves.
19th February 2022Blind cave mutations, haunted Carpathia, cosmic keyboard shenanigans, Ohio dronefolk, avant violin shade, sinister whimsy, mutant acid bolsh, psychedelic loop-wrangling and all sorts of bent audio mind-gloop.
5th February 2022Reverb-soused primitivism, neo-New Age trancescapery, stentorian dub excavations, paranoid electro, ethereal electronics and an astral sackful of other hot tosh.
22nd January 2022Klezmische wonk jams, acid dub explorations, lachrymose ARP tweakage, 80s avant-Japan genius, mutant Manc beast beats, Irish coast elation and all kinds of fab & oddball gear.
15th January 2022Luciferian psych-folk, strident surrealist whimsy, whirling seaside lysergicals, post-punk precipitation, Ovidian deeps, analogue Georgia, rave plunderphonics, octopoid drone transcendence and a thrashing menagerie of further misshapes.
8th January 2022Arthropod freak-folk, beatless Detroit, lysergic synth froth, DIY Scandi murk, junglist classicism, spectral laments from Iceland, mutant dancehall heft, Irish bucolica and a sporadically hostile box of other strange toys.
18th December 2021Tokyo punk ritualists, Glaswegian strop colossi and seething frag techno wraiths fester here among the ruins and the residues. Immerse!
11th December 2021Deep dub Sufism, santoor & sitar vortices, fractured electro finery, sanguine dronescaping, eco-techno eulogy, vintage afro synth-funk and other beasts and beats with which to festoon thy skull or dwelling place.
20th November 2021Hermetic plainsong, Midland pugilism, Quebecois noisery, DIY vintage synth-grime, Scottish punk wonk and all manner of boss aural freakery.
6th November 2021Site-specific violin bewitchment, Congolese psychedelia, dub/tech nano-goo delirium, old timey US freak folk and an additional swirling sound morass joyously untethered from the moribund tyranny of hip.
30th October 2021A continuous Halowe'en wallow in the eldritch, the numinous and the baleful.
23rd October 2021An hour well soused in East/west hybrid mysticism, revenant electro, Arabic electroacoustics, post-industrial depth charges and all sorts.
16th October 2021Mutant breakbeat bother, major arcana, glacial acid, cosmic synth-balladry, neo kosmische ornithology, deep Chinese weirdisms, Tarkovskyan spectral operatics, multitudinous shades and moods.
2nd October 2021Brimming with disco-not-disco filth, west country dub infection, hyper-crystalline synth manoeuvres, noise-punk thrust, akashic-motorik library gear, Spanish new wave exotica, cosmic garage smut and multifarious sonic manipulations to set the synapses ablaze.
25th September 2021Glacial portents. Spectral disco weirdness. German psych heaviosity. Latvian exotica. Neo Industrial Armenia. Deep American pastoral. Ethereal vox sorcery. Such wonders for the hearing.
18th September 2021Kosmische hymnals. Deep-space machine threats. Gallic gothique. Shortwave evocations. Southern coastal moodisms. Sturm. Drang. Delirium.
4th September 2021Low-end Armageddon pressure, transatlantic wyrdisms, Southern fried psych-obilly, monoliths, fantasias, mutants.
28th August 2021Northern tech-gnarl. Brexshit emanations. Synthpop arcana. Ersatz krautrock jollies. Overarching apocalyptic vibes. Go figure.
14th August 2021Crepuscular Americana, subterranean gloop-bathing, botanical dawn whimsy, pre-thanatological song wonk, nocturnal techno coshings, neo-Frippertronics and a flailing menagerie of sundry chimeras.
7th August 2021Soaring electronic reverie, disco-tech clatter, regal excavated dub pressure, mangled rave blather, Afro Hispanic exotica and multifarious jets of fine, fine strangeness.
24th July 2021Wyrdfolk gnosis, acid horticulture, post tech abrasion and a writhing vivarium of misshapes.
17th July 2021Esoteric Romania, gnarled techno drubbings, dreamhome malignance, noise rock recalcitrance, DIY loop skewings, sonorous Poland, French library excellence and a loving fistful of other neato gear.
3rd July 2021Hark! German techno beef. (Post) punky reggae business. Sidereal summonings. Japanese artpunk. Irish solstice archaisms. Mesmeric jazz fusion wonk. Northern electro truculence. Gallic proto-prog whimsy.
19th June 2021Crepuscular Americana, ancient Afro minimalism, dystopian jingle whimsy, utopian rave squelch, visionary soundtrack reverie, German gamelan tourism, monuments, fetishes, misshapes.
12th June 2021Meditative dulcimer primitivisms, dungeon-hop bludgeonings, field recorded atmos magic, pissed-up droid disco, artpunk violin abuse, lo-fi god pop, post-Krautrock library findings and other arcane audio larks.
29th May 202170s DIY synthpop shenanigans, transcendental turntable mutations, demonological pulse wrangling, shambling techno/industrial-type beef and a further cavalcade of glories and grotesques to festoon your inner cranium.
22nd May 202180s ersatz exoticism, ritualistic freakouts from Brazil, coastal electro grot and coastal slurtronica, deep-woods disorientation, Berlin/Detroit techno classicism and a seething drawerful of other weirdo pop larks.
15th May 2021Containing baroque Portuguese pop, apocalyptic operatics, mutant housemusic, tape & dulcimer bliss storms, Finnish rot-folk, lycanthropic out-folk, Spanish acid exoticism, space echo punk clang, surrealist ghost collage and some other banging gear.
8th May 2021Thrumming with seaside drone bother, mutant French mountain folk, outré new age dreampop, modern devotional dub action, 70s avant prog spike, skewiff electronics and a handful of hefy post-industrial hues.
1st May 2021Brutish electro trousers, crepuscular string drone, prog-not-prog, Deutsche synth classicism, no-wave Fripperies, Tunisian jazz scenes, Finnish loop moods, apocalyptic god pop, whimsies, traumas, postures.
24th April 2021Small hours classic tech delirium, modern tape wonk, Gallic proto acid, unearthed German synthpunk, oneiric dusktime fingerpicking, Spanish electro-exoticism and other frabjous sound arrangements.
10th April 2021Gnarled wrongbeat frenzy, drone-choir morass, surrealist folk cuteness, electronic cello drenching, Portobello postpunk stomp, wonk, caprices.
3rd April 2021Seaside badtrip gothic, longform Beckettian synth rage, cosmic devotional dulcimer, shambolic outré pop-wonk, gallic baroque, American pastoral meditations, revenant music box reverie, dub-tech humchatter, more besides.
27th March 2021Slavic witchery, pharaonic Brit-psych, lysergic perambulations, fungal electronics, post-punk loop sludge, chimerical jazz wonk and omnifarious pop contortions.
20th March 2021Synth heavy library frolics, sizzling nano-filth, Krisp nouveau-Warpery, crepuscular Cornish wyrdism, hermetic artpop, micro dub infections, disturbances, etherea.
27th February 2021Northern tech mulch, arcane Swiss synthpop cosmologies, gnostic fingerpicking, library exotica frenzy, 303 ritual death marching, 70’s avant-pop mining, DIY UK wonk house and an oscillating wardrobe full of bug-eyed sonic caprices.
20th February 20214th world excavations, sax and vox mangling, freak folk fingerpicking, floatation lysergica, ritualistic wig-outs Gallic and Javanese, Sabres flashback action, German /Belgian techno collision and a sentient basinful of other muck.
13th February 2021Coastal apocalyptics, Studio One action, thanatological folksong, classic Radiophonics, ethereal swooping, Ghédalia Tazartès R.I.P.
6th February 2021After hours dub action, haunted rumblings, several types of wrongbeat, ye olde psychedelic folkisms, German noises, orchestral/ post -industrial somnambulance and so on.
30th January 2021Mutant R&B, omnidimensional techno abrasion, flautist jazzisms, Italian ghost-house, lunar reverie. Unnatural colours and textures.
23rd January 2021Subterranean string quartet drone. 4th World percussion blissout. Bolshy neo-electro goth trousers. Cryptic bass-filth. French psych Musique concrete soundtrack collisions. Rundgren-tweaked new wave pop wafts. Much else besides.
15th January 2021Spooked monotone electro-stompery, Nu-HAUS sounds of NYC, obscuroid 80s poetics, Lithuanian deepfolk chorals, butch percussive gear, Afghan psychedelic noise wholrs, baroque Gallic pop. Shit like that and not like that.
14th November 2020Bottom-heavy techno pummel, recondite Korea, proto-plunderphonics, embryonic EBM, fleapit youth channelings and varying levels of hallucinatory abandon.
7th November 2020Ethereal corvid-folk, mutant doo-wop outsider pop, diluvial ambience, abyssal histrionics, haunted acid house, end times drubbings, assorted reveries and contortions.
24th October 2020Cryptic minimalism, neo-rave punishment, Polish hexings, modern psychedelia, akashic library music and a cold trough-full of autumnal tenors.
17th October 2020Detroit-tinged lockdown declarations, art rock hermeticism, Black Ark murk, distorted cello flexings, North of England etherealism and a writhing grab bag of nocturnal moods and damn freakish shades.
3rd October 2020Esoteric Catalonia, wormhole jazz, various psychedelic hues, vintage Brazilian disturbance, plunderphonic hypnosis, post ambient dream vortices and a seething skullfull more besides.
19th September 2020Initiatory field atmos, raw folksong from Scotland, low-end teccy savagery, American primitivism, recherché ambience, subterranean enigmas, some things strange and beautiful.
12th September 2020Includes horrorflick melancholy, slo-mo thunder-hop, technoid whomp, histrionic witch psych, whirling hi-hat delirium, two-headed acid folk and a trip through the gates of Faerie.
29th August 2020Subcutaneous bass filth, post-post rock devotionals, psychedelic samba, 303 gusset devastation, the epic eerie, celestial hymnals, revenant rave signals and a hot pocketful more besides.
22nd August 2020Starlit dronefolk. Maximal crescendo blast. Sky-blue wooze-hop. Gnarled gear from India. Avant jazz blattery. Pastoral prog pop. Bliss drenched neo-Reichisms. Etc.
8th August 2020Nocturnal 80s excavated. Transcendent jazz poetry. Atavistic trance action. Crystalline dub-house. Searing vignettes. Synthi milestones. Several shades of opulent strangeness.
18th July 2020Gallic acid. East Sussex dreamscapery. Endtimes magic derangement. Japanese neo-psych. Incantatory postpunk. Cosmic wormhole jazz. In memoriam Judy Dyble. Enquire within.
11th July 2020Gallic anarchy. Gnarled NY cyber-hop. Imaginary ethno-folk. Japanese minimalism. Manifold oneiric digressions and tangential noise larks.
27th June 2020Motorik synthpunk delirium, post-metal dreamfolk melancholy, bite-sized avant-horror thunk, stygian heft, apocalyptic dub activity, hybrid breaks, myriad moods.
19th June 2020Gnostic disco, post-Foetal bombast, ritual field recording, hybrid jazz vibrations, nocturnal minimalism, occident/orient psych reverie, scenes, smells, postures, ruptures.
12th June 2020Mutant dub trouser-bother, Bulgarian rebel folk, Hadean ecstasy, transcendent whims, twilit follies.
30th May 2020Classic roots unearthed. Epic DIY synthprog rage. Shambling electro-medievalism. Rare Roedelius unearthed. Further wayward post-punkery. Ukranian Alice sounds unearthed. Sussex drone fug. Also: fuzz, junk and some lockdown sonics for an excellent cause.
9th May 2020Cavorting in the astral mire: Icelandic techno, spa ambient, goetic jazz, sci-fi punkerisms, go-go cranking, le maison acide, Studio One excavations and a cyclopean wardrobe of disparate auras for the wearing.
2nd May 2020Here be a scouring and soothing maelstrom of pinguid industrialisms, Teutonic campery, Estonian folk foreboding, lo-fi electro-carnage and all manner of loping, swivel-jawed hybrids.
18th April 2020Omnidimensional rabbit holes here; agape and containing Dutch fug, French vinyl abuse, heathen dream-wibble, ethereal choir-loops, proto-acid witchery, epic mood swells and evocative neo minimalism all dusted with a seeping acrid grot.
11th April 2020In which Somerset psychonauticals, mutant pop colossi, hybrid Afro-hypnotics, Glaswegian strop-hop histrionics and goth-ambient glaciers enact astral pop frottage with a whirling hall of unclassifiables.
4th April 2020Leftfield Brazilia, Industrial spoken word-mangling, operatic plunderphonics, post-ambient dream traces, haunted Americana, processional fuzz nocturnes and various unnatural postures.
21st March 2020Sign here for some phantom railway pastoral, some sciurine freak folk, dual jets of ye olde acid squelch and more, all lightly soused in an astral volley of mangled sibilants.
8th February 2020Outsiderpunk poetics, monolithic wooze, low-key perversity, all-new spiny wrongbeat, haunted field frolics and more nefarious shades of freeform freakery for the strapping on.
25th January 2020Through this way for a gibbering brainful of industrial hip hop heaviosity, 70s psychonautical bohemia, cerebral acid wibble, 80s Ohio protogoth, electro-reggae hybrid fizz, Cornish slurtronica, Lynchian dreamjazz and the un/like.
11th January 2020Brooding and writhing with cello atmos, avant folk excellence, Stateside tech murk and wraith work, exclusive Bristolian dankness and all sorts.
21st December 2019Contemporary acid house contortions, malodorous psych-funk, surrealist urban reverie, Thai occult intoxication, ritualistic abstractions, assorted lumps of abstract braintweak.
7th December 2019American weirdpop, orchestral unease, post-Cabs machinefunk, dreamtime nebulosity and assorted wedges of heterogeneous ear hassle for the harnessing.
23rd November 2019Incense-befugged feralisms, crackling chapels of waveform singe, Sussex gnarl, immaculate Housewerk, phantom trajectories, autumnal swoop-gaze and some vintage electrofunk to ignite thy pineal.
2nd November 2019Proto-Abba smut, Bristolian esoterica, Brightonian time travel, pastoral kosmische, oddball excavations, neo-compositional omniforms, spectres, capriccios.
12th October 2019Abstract putrefaction, popsike rapture, Swedish ritual feralisms, gothic devotionals, teeth-bared techno, Swiss electropunk and myriad shades of cryptic sonic bosh.
28th September 2019Glam stomp obscurity, Balearic bacchanalia, leviathan doom hop, South Downs folk experimentalism, dank Stateside sluggery and a viscid fontful of astral trills and tremors.
14th September 2019Lo-fi VHS mangling, fat tech abstractions, alchemical surrealism, Portlandian drumfrenzy, obscuroid hybrid Krautery, invocatory Cliff hanging. Noises, noises, noises.
7th September 2019End Times poetry, talismanic tech-thunder, incantatory Giallo rock, hallucinatory dubshambles, I Ching electronicisms, skeletal folksong and variform airborne disturbances.
24th August 2019Mad Gallic soundtrackery, leftfield Brazilica, martial pop wonk, field recordings and global purloinings, techno/industrial dalliances and some Séance-exclusive soundmurk.
3rd August 2019Drumnoise improv abandon, dubbed-up Lovers Rock bliss, gnostic pit wallowing, beyond-deep Housemusic doings, spectral Welsh hymn mangling and a thrumming silo-full of nodular soundwonk.
20th July 2019Hypnagogic vistas, gnostic hymn-pop, electro brutalism, outsider synthpop, mutant blues, disconotdisco, seething arcs of ectoplasmic earlove etc.
13th July 2019Deep-mangled circuitry, fresh-lit Upsetter magic, Coastal Slurtronics, mis/streated piano rapture, occulted 4AD art-rockism, sounds misshapen, noises beautiful.
29th Jun 2019Diabolic Sussex folklore, brood-house chug, Bristolian nightscapes, Memphis doom-gaze, tweaked mutant acid, uncategorisables (Australian and other) and an olde English hymnal.
15th Jun 2019Giallo joy, glitch-infested sound poetry, Gallic space disco, technoid strop, Akkadian demonics, Taiwanese dulcimer art, noises dank, noises sparkling.
1st Jun 2019Tops-off Gallic synthbludgeon. Future afrotech algebra. Analog mesmerist tapejuggle. Pastoral plucking from Japan. Lo fi distorto-psych. Irish jazzprog whimsy. Vintage Nigerian pop bliss. Multihued cinematic mood-swings.
18th May 2019Nail this on for some West London artpunk strop, Japanese technofusion, Dystopian gnarl, looped wraith business and bounteous marvels to put a dent in thy swede.
11th May 2019Psichedelia Occulto Italiana, kosmische/free-folk crossover joy, sinister whimsy, obsidian moodscapes, outsider-electronic witchery, various gnarled sonics. Night listening suggested.
27th Apr 2019Futurist maximalism. Australian punkoid belligerence. New folk classicism. Twisted dayglo electro. Industrial chat & clatter. Eldritch throb. Moods. Scenes. Smells.
20th Apr 2019Grot-punk social commentary, murky posthumous Delia-isms, invertebrate mutant disco, 70s folk-rock-psych-whatever heft, seismic ambience, music for plants reissued and flaming celestial globs of other stuff.
6th Apr 2019Vintage Brit synthery, Saudi Arabian and Californian devotionals, West London ‘counter’ culture, East Sussex clatter, oddball pop from Cologne, jazz via Saturn.
31st Mar 2019Amongst other things: Glasgow electrow-discow frenzy, elfin mod-psych Bolanism, apocalyptic K-Porwave, widescreen abyss-gazing and a dreadlocks seque.
16th Feb 2019Malodorous dub pressure vintage and current, skullfaced doom-hop pals, post-psych jazz shapes, more Irish post-punk archaeology, far-out Spanish groove manoeuvres, Dutch tape abrasion and a mahogany brainful of generally wayward gear.
2nd Feb 2019Welsh acid folk, No-NY electro sweats, downtempo techno hostility, classic Throbs, mercurial soundtrack glory, classic Nilsson, epic post-post-rockisms, misshapes, mutants, chimera.
19th Jan 2019Ye olde English psychedelia, Irish Dadapunk loopery, post-Krautrock shredding, drones, clicks, clatters, the mighty Residents, the mighty Wyatt.
5th Jan 2019Afro funk excellence. Quickfire minimalism. Classic Holger. Estonian string sorcery. Melbourne antifash punkery. Psychelectronic shimmer. Synaesthesia. Quirk. Stuff.
29th Dec 2018Paisley arachnid fantasia, vintage Dublin post punk, freewheeling Swedish psych-folk, Russian Moog manoeuvres, classic wooze-house, assorted moonlit glories.
15th Dec 2018Unseasonal psych-folk, meditational moodisms, classic dub paranoia, giallo-type pulsations, Wu Tang affiliated funk menace, polyhedral electronics, hot flaming arcs of other stuff.
8th Dec 2018Caustic tech business, a decadent hymnal, extra-generic Japanese magic, library futurism par excellence, various shades of gnarled electronic alienation, larks, strangeness and charm.
24th Nov 2018West London dub postpunkery, furtive electro smut, harmonious chamber psych, post-disco delirium, Memphis wooze, freak folk witchery, agit-operatic majesty. Bring fresh underwear.
17th Nov 2018Glitcherous hip hop weirdisms, apocryphal Krautery, boisterous tech-strop, occult NY smut, 80s Antipodean oddness, luminous starkness. Etcetera.
10th Nov 2018Apian japes, freeform Irish postpunkery, futuremutant soul, foundsound rural dreamscapery, thundering Belgian oddness, wrenching agit-pop, more stuff, more things.
20th Oct 2018Finnish hunting bravado, nightblack reverie, vintage Dutch oddness, current Estonian genius, electronic scour and pummel.
13 Oct 2018Dystopic bucolica, perfumed psych flounce, neopunk snarl, nocturnal reverie, cryptic dankness, mutant hip hop, much greatness.
29 Sept 2018Private press prog-folk arcadia, sampledelic freakery, library gems unearthed and contemporary, Bristol strop-step, space rock capers, American wyrdisms, racket and rapture.
18 Sept 2018Baroque Italo synthpop, skullfaced bleakisms, hermetic folk transcendence, far-out alien delirium, retro-electronic whimsy, epic snarls and heady miasmas.
18 Aug 2018Contains electronic hostility, abyssal dronery, epic psychedelic krautisms, vibraphonic transcendence, immaculate folk minimalism and a regal triumvirate.
4 Aug 2018Cautionary drug rock, Icelandic techno thuggery, twilight folkscapes, classic Warpisms, proto rave stabs, noises, beats and japes.
22 July 2018Post industrial poetry strop, nihilistic electro gnarl, deutsche disco utopianism and a wayward slather of assorted deep listening wizardry.
30 June 2018An impecunious trilogy, wyrd lysergica, dub revival pressure, monolithic spite bother, private press juvenile 70s psych-folk and a cosmic skipfull of variform righteous sonic slurry.
2 June 2018Newer and older pop wonk, deep-night torch song, trouser-threatening electronic scorch and a trance (not Trance) trio.
26 May 2018Spooked Americana, semi-obscuroid krautery, metamorphic voiceworks, Moondog ensemble joy, classic anime clatter and widescreen psych indulgence past and present.
7 April 2018Neu Deutsche exotica, jagged Canadian punkery, baroque psychedelic pop, motorik drum elation, glitch infested dream vistas, vintage electronic drama and MORE. Such wonders.
24 March 2018Surreal mysticism, effervescent utopianism, Italian experimentalism, retro pacifism and a recurrent
multi-hued wave of neo classicisms.
17 March 2018Vintage dub pressure, mo’ spiny wrongbeat, psychedelic melancholy, dayglo artpop, found sound decay, ethereal reflections.
3 March 2018303 squelch comforts, Gallic drone folk, vintage library/ exotica shenanigans, occult electronics, sonic gnarl, ambient heft.
18 February 2018Tropicalia psychedelica, Somerset psychonautica, high church weirdness, reconfigured xylophone freakery, ominous Malay via Canterbury stomp and a rumbling miasma of righteous electronic stink.
11 February 2018Non-trad folk enchantment, doom-hop annihilation, Japanese weirdness, malevolent vintage synthery and a moody 3am disco twister in amongst all kinds of other esoteric audio hoo-hah.
27 January 2018Icelandic tech beef, epic wonk, mystical Americana, trad acid squelch, myriad marvels.
20 January 2018Gallic art-punk, lysergic squall, Afrocentric funk poetry, nocturnal soundscapery, old timey outsider electronics, new age rehabilitation wonderment, Ghost Box freak folk etc.
6 January 2018Some Moog madness, some sweaty Afro funk, some retro styled 90s ambient inflections, some 70s horror homage, some coruscating post-tech muck and some other stuff.
16 December 2017German psychedelic atmos, vampiric bossa, classic chimed minimalism, bass and electronics bludgeonry, concentrated gnarl-hop, Italian satanic prog fever and all sorts.
9 December 2017Twilit moodisms, obscuroid Japanese cassette beauty, solstice folk and radiophonics, sweaty neo industrialism, deep Finnish religiosity and a liberal spraying of diverse electronic textures.
25 November 2017UK & US 60s psych fun, epic queer gnosis, synth sodden retro bolsh and multi hued electronic left-turns.
18 November 2017Alien bossa, vintage UK art funk, neolithic ambience, unhinged rhythms, rocksteady classicism, sterling dronery.
28 October 2017A psychedelic cavalcade of joy, angst, wit and mystery fashioned by a writhing phalanx of sonic miscreants.
14 October 2017Further immersive entropy from The Caretaker, freshly excavated Studio One finery, some Afro/ Optimo dub vibe greatness, eldritch space race frequencies, Americana psych and sinister, recherché noises, abject flim-flam.
23rd September 2017Further English absurdism, liminal rustic reverie, nocturnal Radiophonic drama, immaculate oddpop, vintage German pastorale and a Kirchinesque Wiggs exclusive.
16th September 2017Feline art rock japes, Kosmische arcana, post techno menace, omnidirectional math rock joy, avant folk majesty and a central Lynchian trilogy.
9th September 2017Stateside Séancees, pastoral psych nostalgia, spite flecked American gothic, eschatological trouser carnage and a Holger Czukay tribute three. Correction; Steve Jansen on ‘Incantation’, not Jaki Leibezeit. Unmistakeable, really.
2nd September 2017Czech surrealism. Breezy electro dub. Post punk/avant pop fallout business. Compositional dreamscaping. New Planet Mu. Downtempo Turkish lushness. Tape japes, toys and fun.
19th August 2017Hippy folk wonderment, fractured alien beat jams, neo-motorik japes, Eastern dystopianism, Icelandic techno bludgeon and a konstructivist kind of a trilogy. Stuffed with wows.
12th August 2017Neue Deutsche Welle resurgence, English surrealism, campfire psychedelia, Manu Dibango marimba glory, chthonic droneworks and Finnish freakiness. Correction: not Ken Nordine closing as announced, but Del Close and John Brent as listed.
22nd July 2017Crunchy wonk-hop, Polish witchery, electro malevolence, post punk unease and a strong Scandinavian showing.
1st July 2017A new Bola belter, current Radiophonic murk, apocalyptic maximalism, Italian library weirdness, shambolic vintage Brit psych and all sorts. Strap it on.
24th June 2017This week: Various folk currents ridden and flanked by abyssal electronics, mutant prog histrionics, ink-black nocturnery and oddball Housemusic.
10th June 2017Tune in for the channeling of armchair bass, twilight rural ruminations, queer gnostic demi-plainsong and electronics various, frenetic and glacial.
29th May 2017Palms upon the lacework for the joyous apportation of lysergic hip-hop wooze, lo-fi noise folk, Czech popsyke, French neo motorik bother and all manner of beauteous mutations.
13th May 2017Bossa baroque, snarling neo-electro, modern compositional wonderment, Soviet era freakouts, amorphous psychedelia, haunted sonics.
29th April 2017Industrial pop joy, two helpings of Icelandic bother, cryptic electronics, eldritch drones and voices, krautrock bliss, Disneyesque diversions. All of these things and more.
22nd April 2017Vintage northern electronics, widescreen Italian smoulder, analogue transcendence, modern psychedelia of various hues and a plethora of pronunciation challenges.
1st April 2017Prog mellowness, early music reconfigured, neo folk rock moodiness, German electro Gothicism, Welsh psych, voice-warped ambience and a wealth of stranger shades.
18th March 2017Rogue alien house science, stygian smut, spooked neo psych concrete, proto prog grooviness, meditative electronics, beauteous modern composition and all sorts.
11th March 2017This time: Malodorous bludgeon from that man Broadrick, vintage synth gnarl with Moroder, mighty reissue action from Disco Inferno, Kelly Lee Owens’ superb Aaliyah cover and all manner of righteous wrongness elsewhere. Fresh.
25th February 2017Japanese freakbeat, ambient moodisms, banshee drones, post-punk bolsh, dayglo psychosis, cavernous guitarscapes. That kind of thing.
11th February 2017Cosmic memoriam hymnals. Portugese electronic/folk collision. Afro fusion oddness. Slow grind trombonery. Mutant house manoeuvres. Jaki Liebezeit RIP.
4th February 2017Outsider punk joy, psychogeographical synth menace, bruising electronics, cautionary rockabilly, mutant R&B and an End Times trilogy for the popkids.
14th January 2017Post-punk brevity from Wire. LA avant-garde brilliance from the Breadwoman project. A classic Clerkenwell depth charge via On-U Sound. Electro acoustic gorgeousness from Lost Idol/ Digitonal and a mistake from Dem: The penultimate tune is from These Hidden Hands and not Dalhous as announced. Tut tut. Woeful.
7th January 2017Containing some cosmic Brit psych, some NY jazz-punk freak-funk, 2x glacial slabs of female-fronted electronic moodiness, Apocalyptic phantom ballroom vibes, scouring noise-opera, Krautrock hinterland wonderment and an exclusive Pete Wiggs murder music thing.
10th December 2016Greyscale strop-step, council estate electronics, rebel songs old and new/old, psych afro jazz business, proto-prog whimsy, epic German futurism, baroque soul and more besides.
3rd December 2016Outsider folk from Michigan, apocalyptic squelch, a floral three, obeah domestic sorcery, gnostic delirium, classic 80s avant synthpop. End to end glories.
26th November 2016Icelandic sludge techno, psychogeographical whimsy, neo-Radiophonics, psych/prog cusp revelation, electronics, miscreants, eccentrics, outsiders, marvels.
29th October 2016Right mucky with occult drones, neo psych chamber pop, Radiophonic greatness, skewed synthpop, some of that modern housemusic and various shades of other sonic goo.
22nd October 2016Bristling with proto-techno classicism, post-dubstep genius, hinterland folk stuff, alien sound vistas, spectral vintage tape music and all manner of luscious nonsense .
8th October 2016Contains ye olde acid house, some post-psych UK grot-rock, lashings of belligerent wrongbeat, a trio of chance meetings and an exclusive smudge of pastoral gothic from The Séance With Lutine.
24th September 2016Lo-fi godliness, sanguine folksong, occult delirium, giallo tension, electro murk, deejay pressure, soundtrack esoterica.
17th September 2016Psychedelic chamber pop, inky techno murk, 60s death pop, Portland folk atmos, bleeps, squiggles, jazz-tinged debauchery.
10th September 2016Cryptic doom-hop, Czech avian folk-rock, tentacled deck-wrestling, wacked-out avian exotica, African psych-funk.
27th August 2016W10 post-punk smoulder, auteur compositional chops, stygian post-dubstep magnificence, elegiac coastal slurtronica, creative crockery mockery, sinister whimsy for the wretched.
13th August 2016Ominous ritualisms, new Mu, proto-Rasta murk, classic kosmische, classic Luke Slater, Antipodean post-punk drama, Italo library/soundtrack thrills.
6th August 2016Dublin post-punk Dada tape disturbance, Soviet movie moodisms, Polish psychedelic whimsy, Afro jazz mystic minimalism, chamber prog surrealism and various hues of electronic grot.
23rd July 2016Moody Morricone, post-rave apocalypse, wyrd-folk virtuosity, Afro dub pressure, mellow psych bliss, vintage Buchla witterings, drones, squall and much joy.
16th July 2016Cryptic radio-drones, Trinidadian dub disco, a peckish packet of three, more fresh Plaid, new Silver Apples and mutant disco from Glasgow to name but a fraction of the wonders herein.
9th July 2016Avant-garage horror chug, dubwise electronics, mogadon techno heaviosity, prescient 80s wraithery, lysergic emanations, cosmic Venezuelans and a swirling bucketful more besides.
18th June 2016Fresh spiny wrongbeat from Plaid. Rustic transcendence from Michael Tanner. Psychotropic manoeuvres from IX Tab. A Year in The Country’s latest missive. Half-baked interjections from Wiggs and Dem. The Glove. Some Buttholes. Some hice. Some other stuff.
11th June 2016Vintage pop-psych from Quebec, deejay sounds from JA, a Linda Perhacs / Warp intersection, fruity arpeggiated house bliss, further esoteric electronics and an unpronounceable middle trio.
21st May 2016Modern compositional moodiness, antiwar krautrock, eldritch psychedelia, rural alt. folk dronescapes, free range Welsh majesty, electronic trouser carnage and a loving basinful of other stuff. Correction: That’s Ben Chatwin in there. Not Bruce (the travel writer) as announced. We knew this.
14th May 2016Old-time reggae ballistics, classic Ghost Box, Italian library freakouts, nocturnal ambience, twilit US folk, mandolin delirium, longform German electronics and more. Business as un/usual.
7th May 2016Transcendent moodiness. Skewed pop. Psychedelic oddities. Proto-spaghetti Westernism. Rollicking Nigerian funk. Free range electronic head bother. All this and more within…
30th April 2016Classic 80s Brit-psych, experimental hip hop, exotic soundscapery of various electronic hues and some semi-improvised outsider folk beauty.
9th April 2016Replete with some EBM / house cross pollination, yet more classic Warp love, acid folk gnarl, epic German gear, spooked vignettes and lo-fi disco abandon.
23rd March 2016Includes some prime 90s Warp manoeuvres, neo-goth broodings, mutant grime, psychedelic hip hop, a trance-inducing mid section, haunted folk from Poland and a sadly prescient Durutti Column classic.
12th March 2016Dystopian urban electronics looming large at this sitting, generously garnished with clicks, drones, some ‘unpopular’ Can, obnoxious synthpop primitivism, a bit of Wire, Pennsylvanian moodiness, more violent Italian film joy and some other steaming jets of sonic excellence.
5th March 2016Post metal/ neo-prog drama, exorcist funk derangement, thanatological folk, Italian lasciviousness, more belligerent crunch and the latest Odd Nosdam/ Boards Of Canada interaction. Help yourself.
20th February 2016Luscious drone from a mighty duo ethereal, a home plumbing three, rare symphonic rock thrills, UK techno bludgeon, digital crunch, ye olde English surrealism and a moody vibe throughout. Basically.
6th February 2016Includes psychedelia current and classic, giallo horror electronics, steel string transcendence, old timey Rastafarianism and a multi-hued precipitation trilogy (revisited).
30th January 2016Mutant house, psychedelic hip hop, bucolic unease, roots rock reggae, strangulated vowels and a threefold rumination on a ‘formative’ 70s pop folly. All presented with the usual withering disdain for continuity.
16th January 2016Cryptic folk from Ireland, night black moodisms and ye olde acid house from Scotland, monolithic droneworks from Italy, feral electronics, fungoid ruminations and the un/like from elsewhere.
9th January 2016Lynchian girlpop, Afro and sampledelic funk manoeuvres, belligerent skronk, avant-coverage and yet more electronic misshapes.
19th December 2015Prime Radiophonics, electro jazz wibble, Norfolk/Sussex wyrdfolk covergence, Rosicrucian plunderphonics and the artist formerly known as Foetus etc.
28th November 2015Neo-gothic electronics, scouring drone elation, apocalyptic dread testimonials, ondes Martenot etherea and the annual Coil/Sleazy three. Pretty cosmic, all said.
14th November 2015Yet more dark-hued vintage synth-pop, modern acid folk music, prime Radiophonics, greyscale ambience, ragged edits, vocal squall and that.
31st October 2015More haunted French folk, cosmic horror, pastoral loveliness, telekinetic prom night carnage, twilight ambience and Autumn witchery. Moody as you like.
17th October 2015Quite the cosmic Séance this time. Dripping with gallic strangeness, widescreen neo-psychedelia, vintage bedsit synth smut, Drexciyan 'astro electro' and allsorts.
10th October 2015Eldritch folk bother, widescreen and misshapen electronics, Suzi Q does The Normal, stalker-psych, dancing, stuff, things.
26th September 2015For all your mutant house, proto industrial funk, acid folk, dub and drone needs…
19th September 2015A loving hourful of Japanese esoterica, Gallic soundtrack moods, roots rock reggae, psychedelic fizz, East Anglian wyrdness and glacial electronics.
29th August 2015This sitting is graced by an exclusive airing for Lutine as remixed by Pete. Elsewhere: Appalachian drones, classic avant garde film score business, Black Ark pressure, Berlin wrongbeat, a neo-psych wigout and lashings of electronic mischief.
15th August 2015Art rockers old and new. High end sonic belligerence analogue and not. Susumu Yokota RIP.
8th August 2015Loft and Obeah vibes from 70s Manhattan, licentious Italia, rural noiseworks, lo-fi lysergics and neo minimalist frolics.
25th July 2015Moody hybrid folk, dystopian London electronics, audibly divisive minimalism, spooked torchsong and an inadvertent Moebius tribute. May contain other stuff.
11th July 2015Italodisco rarity, horror-flick hippie-folk, Norwegian avant jazz-metal, spoken words occult and nonsense and a pestilential shedload more.
27th June 2015Spectral droneworks, post techno milestones, quirks Gallic and Teutonic buffering flipside luminaries as Psychic TV, Little Annie and Jim O’Rourke. Phew.
20th June 2015Prime astral frottage: French retro psychedelia, post rock churn, a baroque chamber pop moment, sundry electronics and a basinful of general sonic wonderment.
6th June 2015An anarchic trilogy warmly flanked by electronics current and less so, pastoral ghostliness and transatlantic psych.
30th May 2015Corvine capers, new and old post-punkery, acid folk frolics, horror flick japes and loving basinful of noises transcendent and stygian.
16th May 2015Deep fried outsider vibes, obscure German greatness, archive tape magic and a vintage rag trade three.
2nd May 2015Carpathian folksong, post-metal synth bombast, carboot electronics, wonky cosmologies, synths, voices, more toys, more fun.
25th April 2015A yogic trilogy flanked by vintage electronics, modern composition, deep noise and further dubwise bass excursions.
18th April 2015Classic Sherwood and Eno, Stones Throw left-turns, a Can-related rarity, eldritch drones, a midway bugfest and so much more.
28th March 2015
Prog-pop histrionics, neo-Balearic dub pressure, post punk sarcasm, this, that.
21st March 2015A baroque pop obituary, Italian psychedelic voiceworks, Black Ark pressure of dubious authenticity, fried West Coast outsidery and a trio of planetary correspondences.
14th March 2015Accidental Gallic pre-eminence alongside plenteous analogue shapes, new old Moondog, new Pre New and soundtrack bookends par excellence.
28th February 2015Some acid folk, some righteous squall, some Weatherall and a 3 for the inebriate.
14th February 2015Mount Eerie, Boards of Canada, Section 25, esoteric music, electronic noises and a Wiggs, Donne and Rickman three-way.
31st January 2015All-new coastal sound-frenzy; replete with Sunken Foal, Caribou Vibration Orchestra and less quadrupedal-monikered units. Aus, Inga Copeland and The Implicit Order fr'instance.
24th January 2015Another blast of golden Séance joy. Laura Cannell, Black To Comm, Krystof Komeda, J Rocc and busted carousels all figure.
17th January 2015The Bug vs Earth, Mouse On Mars & Candie Hank, Application remixed by Scanner and so on. Assume deep listening posture.
3rd January 2015In which we peck like carrion at the still-steaming ribcage of 2014 for its remaining sonic morsels.
13th December 2014Cavorting among the spheres for an hour. IX Tab, Tujiko Noriko, These Feathers Have Plumes, Ras G and sundry others in tow.
29th November 2014Contains an exclusive Pete Wiggs musical trilogy, the usual German quota and a righteous ear-load of modern electronic grot.
22nd November 2014Un/pops and noises of diverse provenance plus the fourth annual Sleazy Pete memorial 3.
15th November 2014This week's loving earful of ectoplasmic pop abandon contains trace elements of Tarwater, Andy Stott, Magazine, Paul White and Stockholm Monsters.
8th November 2014In which a Freddie Hubbard & Ilhan Mimaroglu, Jenny Hval & Susanna, David Munrow/ Early Music Consort Of London and Kemper Norton serendipitous segue masterstroke vies for shared glory with other boss pops.
25th October 2014Female voice and feral electronics prominent and alternating in this week's twilight autumnal Séance.
11th October 2014Another flounder on pop's liminal crags, with Wizards Tell Lies, Lalo Schifrin, The James Worse Public Address Method, Lewis, Moon Wiring Club and oh so much more....
4th October 2014Astral manoeuvres and sonic wonk from an Indian Summer's eve.
20th September 2014In which Nick Drake, Cyclobe, Castanets, Kreidler, Madlib and three elements are summoned.
13th September 2014Bass Clef / Laura Cannell, Robert Wyatt, The Left Banke, Augustus Pablo, Add N To (X) and all manner of muck. Enter...
30th August 2014Some of that reggae, some ""hauntological''' doings, both psych and delia plus the usual foetid globs of electronic bother with Pye Corner Audio/ Old Apparatus, Robin The Fog, Eno & Byrne etc...
16th August 2014A magical hour of toys and fun with Sendai, The Bug, Mark Stewart and Maffia, Mellow Candle and more!
2nd August 2014Beauty and noises from Lutine, Kemper Norton, Hawkwind and none/such.
19th July 2014Another squamous hour of ectoplasmic pop shapes feat. Le Tigre, Goblin, The Cloisters, Edvard Graham Lewis and more...
5th July 2014A less than chance meeting of VHS Head, Max Richter, J Dilla, Arch Garrison and the un/like.
21st June 2014Musical phantasms new and old invoked and channeled for your metaphysical edification
14th June 2014In which Greg Gives Peter Space and we celebrate common British birds.
24th May 2014Robbie Basho, April Larson, Lakker, David Axelrod and more. Beautiful, right?
10th May 2014Plaid, The Skull Defekts, Boardwalk/Julia Holter, Sly & Robbie, A Silver Mt. Zion, Neu! n'that.
26th April 2014Pan dimensional pop frottage by the basinful. Believe...
12th April 2014Hip hop weirdisms, freak folk manoeuvres, cosmic disco and analogue hypnopompery...
22nd March 2014Hot arcs of ectoplasm hurled skywards by Ekoplekz, Gang of Four, MF DOOM, The British Expeditionary Force &c...
15th March 2014Further arcane parlour activities transfixed for your listening pleasure.
1st March 2014Another godless hour of audio muck for pinkos, inverts, drunks and the like.
15th February 2014Deejay and Deutsche sounds, ethereal whispery and epic wig-outs
8th February 2014Filled to the brim with phantasms and wonders.
1st February 2014Colossi dwell here: Panabrite, Áine O'Dwyer, Ennio Morricone, Photek, more stuff, more things...
18th January 2014Further untamed radio thrills...
11th January 2014First of the year, and rotten with Alexander Tucker, Blancmange, Sleep Cycles, Nuclear Whale and dissimilar.
21st December 20132013 albums roundup (sounds shit, mainly isn't)
14th December 2013Musics to set thine pineal eye afire.
30th November 2013Contains traces of Henry Mancini, Dustin Wong, Lutine and the 3rd Annual Sleazy Memorial 3.
16th November 2013Quite the omni-dimensional pop sausage; Replete with Jodie Lowther, Robbie Basho, James Holden, Kemper Norton and Dalhous. Etcetera.
2nd November 2013Mutant disco, clicks, drones and End Times chamber pop looming large...
26th October 2013Spectral sounds... Eldritch emanations... It's another Hallowe'en special.
12th October 2013Fireside sounds for the feral, inc. The Implicit Order, Ray Stinnett, Daniel Avery, John Foxx & Jori Hulkkonen and more...
5th October 2013Tim Exile, United Bible Studies, Devo, Andrew Liles and stuff in an all-new magical hour of noises and make-believe.
- 31st August 2013
Another loving hour of diverse noises and abject mumbling awaits with the Left Banke, Daniel Figgis, Third Ear Band, Mercury Rev and dissimilar.
- 24th August 2013
South London Ordnance, Füxa, Whatnauts, Can, Mort Garson and all that. Strap yrself on for an hour's wild ride.
- 15th August 2013
The United States Of America, Clark, Popol Vuh, Birdengine... phantasms...wonders...
- 8th August 2013
Graced by the likes of Roy Harper, Grumbling Fur, Associates, Blondes, Lost Trail et al.
- 20th July 2013
A sun-jinxing summer selection and a cluster of stuff less so...
- 6th July 2013
Dub and disco and lashings of sonic wonk afoot.
- 29th June 2013
'Widdershins and skyclad...'
- 22nd June 2013
...featuring Dalhous, Wire, Richie Havens, Bee Mask, stuff, things.
- 7th June 2013
oOoOO, The Breeders, Pye Corner Audio and a shitload of additional greatness beckons...
- 19th May 2013
A multi-faceted sound sensation with X-TG, West Coast Experimental Pop Art Band, The Focus Group,
Mala, John Cale and that.
- 11th May 2013
Further marvels, curios and electronic musics to be savoured.
- 5th May 2013
Diverse noises for the merrie month of May.
- 19th April 2013
Tim Exile, Mason Williams, Einstürzende Neubauten and more in a magical hour of toys and fun.
- 13th April 2013
In which Ceephax, Faust, Bruce Haack, The Sallyangie, Laurie Anderson, OH/EX/OH and sundry others are invoked.
- 30th March 2013
A vigorous jab of top-drawer audio from the likes of Bark Psychosis, Atom TM, Revbjelde, Wire (again), Model 500 and other neat stuff. Roll up, roll up.
- 16th March 2013
Both psyche and delia, The Black Dog, Gruppe Breakout, Pye Corner Audio, U Roy, North Sea Radio Orchestra and several musics 'characterised by a succession of repetitive beats'.
- 2nd March 2013
Stuff you can dance to. Stuff you can't.
- 23rd February 2013
Noises human and not-human, wanton disco thrills and such stuff as dreams are made on.
- 9th February 2013
Asphodells, Loose Joints, Princess Tinymeat, Anne Clark and all sorts, amok within the parlour
- 2nd February 2013
In attendance: Tuxedomoon, Yoko Ono, Thomas Leer and a headful of grade A electronics.
- 26th January 2013
Dntel, Mogwai/Broadrick, Baby Dee, Frankie Knuckles, Magical Power Mako and other neat stuff. Dive in...
- 12th January 2013
Toppermost tunes (Kim Fowley, L.F.O, Sir Richard Bishop, Old Apparatus / Paper Dollhouse etc) and flaming drivel (Us).
- 5th January 2013
Crawling with OH/EX/OH, Grumbling Fur, Jean-Claude Vannier, Pye Corner Audio and similar greats.
- 29th December 2012
A quintessentially foetid pot-pourri of portents, signs and wonders.
- 23rd November 2012
In attendance: Alva Noto, R Stevie Moore, Annie Anxiety, some serious Saint Et remix action and the second annual Sleazy memorial three.
- 17th November 2012
Ciccone Youth, Eat Lights Become Lights, Jack Rose, St. Che, Seefeel and that. Tune in and immerse.
- 10th November 2012
May contain Bruce Haack, Rotary Connection, Richard Norris, JG Thirwell, Mice Parade and stuff. And Eno.
- 27th October 2012
Single-handed Séance japes (with thanks to Dillon Swinhoe). All un/pop lovingly chosen; Barry Adamson, Gravenhurst, Thee Oh Sees, John Cale and Terry Riley spring to mind.
- 13th October 2012
All freakbeat, krautrock, housemusic, soundtrack, roots and culture requirements catered for.
- 22nd September 2012
A golden hour of sonic wonder, inane blather and quality old-time house music.
- 15th September 2012
Palms upon the wireless for the Saturday teatime Séance sitting.
- 15th August 2012
Dame Dave, Moodymann, Fractal Skulls and sundry others flanking another puerile bodily Pack O' 3.
- 8th August 2012
Contains Mercury Rev, Indian Wells, The Fun Years, more music, strobe effects and bestiality.
- 21st July 2012
Wonky electronics, campfire camaraderie, strong psychedelics and shape-throwing. Do join.
- 7th July 2012
An opening salvo for the all-new Saturday teatime Séance sitting, with Midnight Davis, Big Star, Craig Leon, Ivor Cutler and a cast of several.
- 27th June 2012
Shiny shiny Séance goods ahoy, featuring Nina Kraviz, Sic Alps, North Sea Radio Orchestra and some other marvellous shit.
- 23rd May 2012
Thunderous parlour action involving Aswad, Blawan, The Beach Boys, Clark, The Free Design and more. Strewth.
- 16th May 2012
Music by Bullion, The Floating World, Tortoise, Nico, Deerhoof and various.
- 25th April 2012
Here sees the parlour filled with Mika Vainio, William D. Drake, Atom TM, Kaleidoscope, Adrian Sherwood, more music, incense and tiny stars.
- 18th April 2012
Trans-temporal frottage involving Sand Circles, U-Roy, A Certain Ratio, Mark Van Hoen, Eno, Bagpuss and a whole load more
- 21st March 2012
Prince Far I, some spiny wrongbeat, Julia Holter, some punkrockelectric guitars, Alva Noto and more.
A selection of our latest broadcasts loiters here.
Fostex electro threat. Neo-goth techno. Netherland church panegyrics. American Primitivism. Intensity poetics. In memoriam David Lynch.